Welcome to The Spirited Leadership Experience, an in-depth program designed to support cutting-edge leaders and visionaries who are called to transition out of workaholic culture and into spirit-led leadership.

Experience Success Without Sacrificing Your Soul

I know you feel a stirring within you. A calling that echoes through all your accomplishments and success.

You’ve done things that others have only ever dreamed of. You've won awards, made the money, and are admired by your peers. 

You’ve made it. You’ve created a successful life for yourself.

Yet, there’s still this whisper that calls to you. A yearning for something deeper, something more profound…

Maybe what you’ve built works, but it lacks that spark of depth and meaning.

Or maybe, your work has been a soul-crushing grind, where it’s suffocated your spirit.

You’ve created a successful life, but at what cost?

The world told us a story. It told us that the only way to get to the top and create a successful life was to sacrifice our hearts, our authenticity, and our deeper longings.

We were told that burnout is a normal by-product of success. That stress is a badge of honor.

But maybe… they were wrong. Maybe there’s a different way.

As a leader, you know the importance of building a strong workplace culture for your team.
How you work is how you lead, but maybe it’s time to change that.

You've tasted moments of magic and miracles in your personal journey… but what would it be like to infuse that essence into your work? To create a new workplace culture of genuine fulfillment without sacrificing results? To return to the roots of purpose-driven leadership?

It’s time to challenge the status quo—to liberate yourself and your team from the shackles of the hustle and grind.

Success doesn’t need to come at the cost of your soul.

Let’s build a new culture of authentic, fulfilling, and empowering leadership.

Lead with Spirit, Thrive with Confidence


The Spirited Leadership Experience is a cutting-edge program that supports innovative and visionary leaders like yourself to create a new culture of success.

Beginning with a paradigm-shifting 6-day retreat in Costa Rica and leading into a deeply integrative 8-week online immersion, Spirited Leadership is a comprehensive program that will revolutionize the way you lead your team. 

During these 8 weeks together, you’ll learn a new system for your workplace culture—empowering you (and your team) to approach work with more ease, flow, and alignment.

We both know that success doesn’t need to come at the cost of your soul. You can create a culture of success that is both professionally fulfilling and personally authentic.

Through Spirited Leadership, you’ll learn the “Surrender, Savor, and Serve” framework for transitioning out of hustling workaholic culture and into spirit-led leadership.

Not only will you walk away with practices, tools, and a system that you and your team can implement to change the way you do business, but you’ll be immersed in a living example of how you can do this and actually make it work.

The old ways of hustle and grind culture are over.

A new model for spirit-led success and growth.

Surrender, Savor, and Serve is your bridge from burnt-out workaholic culture into spirit-led leadership.

It’s a new framework for success—a methodology to achieve your goals in a way that keeps your spirit alive.

Learn to Surrender the white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel of your life and let spirit lead instead—expanding the possibilities available to you.

Rediscover how to Savor the genuine, authentic, and fulfilling moments of your life. To reconnect with the magic inside you and give deeper meaning to your work.

Put it all together to Serve your clients, community, and team—realigning what it means to use your gifts and skills to be of service.

Surrender, Savor, and Serve is your mantra to disrupt
the conditioning of hustle and grind culture.

In The Spirited Leadership Experience, you will learn the full framework for
Surrender, Savor, and Serve—embodying a new way to lead yourself and your team.

Clear practices, systems, and structures to transition you into a spirit-led workplace culture—the core foundational template supporting both you and your team to thrive in new ways.

Personalized support and guidance—to empower you as you begin implementing and integrating this work.

Clear practices, systems, and structures to transition you into a spirit-led workplace culture—the core foundational template supporting both you and your team to thrive in new ways.

Personalized support and guidance—to empower you as you begin implementing and integrating this work.

Deeper clarity and confidence—as you live and lead from a place that’s spirit-driven.

More enjoyment of life, more ease in your work, and more personal (and spiritual) fulfillment—as you let go of hustle and grind culture and embrace a new embodiment of leadership.

Deeper clarity and confidence—as you live and lead from a place that’s spirit-driven.

More enjoyment of life, more ease in your work, and more personal (and spiritual) fulfillment—as you let go of hustle and grind culture and embrace a new embodiment of leadership.

Bigger and better results—a natural effect from cultivating deeper fulfillment, accessing flow states, and expanding what’s possible for you and your team.

Connection with a community on the same journey—become part of a global network of other leaders and visionaries contributing new ideas and collective wisdom inside the Spirited Leadership space.

Bigger and better results—a natural effect from cultivating deeper fulfillment, accessing flow states, and expanding what’s possible for you and your team.

Connection with a community on the same journey—become part of a global network of other leaders and visionaries contributing new ideas and collective wisdom inside the Spirited Leadership space.

...and so much more!

Lead with Spirit, Thrive with Purpose.


Meet Your Guide.


Kris offers a rich background of leadership experience, including over a decade as the CEO and Founder of Choose People: a company that supports organizations in creating thriving workplace cultures through the development of emotional intimacy, camaraderie, and team cohesion.

She has been featured as a workplace culture expert in Inc., Entrepreneur, and Forbes, and was named one of the “Top 100 Leadership Speakers” in Inc. She is also the author of Culture Works: How to Create Happiness in the Workplace. 

The moment that inspired Kris to create Spirited Leadership happened in November of 2020.  After living a life of accomplishment that came from the manic hustle of the business world, Kris realized in a light switch moment that she had spent most of her 47 years in a state of societally applauded anxiety—always striving for the future, never living in the now. She got clear that she was DONE “proving and improving” at the expense of actually savoring her life. That experience catapulted her into a 6-month long, dark night of the soul where her identity and everything she knew about success was completely stripped away. After surrendering to the chrysalis of the unknown, Kris emerged with a new way of living: participating fully in the expansiveness of each beautiful, mystical moment of her life.

Meet Your Guide.


Kris offers a rich background of leadership experience, including over a decade as the CEO and Founder of Choose People: a company that supports organizations in creating thriving workplace cultures through the development of emotional intimacy, camaraderie, and team cohesion.

She has been featured as a workplace culture expert in Inc., Entrepreneur, and Forbes, and was named one of the “Top 100 Leadership Speakers” in Inc. She is also the author of Culture Works: How to Create Happiness in the Workplace. 

The moment that inspired Kris to create Spirited Leadership happened in November of 2020.  After living a life of accomplishment that came from the manic hustle of the business world, Kris realized in a light switch moment that she had spent most of her 47 years in a state of societally applauded anxiety—always striving for the future, never living in the now. She got clear that she was DONE “proving and improving” at the expense of actually savoring her life. That experience catapulted her into a 6-month long, dark night of the soul where her identity and everything she knew about success was completely stripped away. After surrendering to the chrysalis of the unknown, Kris emerged with a new way of living: participating fully in the expansiveness of each beautiful, mystical moment of her life.

What has blossomed out of that awakening is a life that is more fulfilling than she could have ever imagined.

PART 1: The Retreat

A 6-Day Holistic Retreat in Costa Rica.

From September 14th - 19th, 2024

We begin The Spirited Leadership Experience with a 6-day, 5-night immersion at Brave Earth, a regenerative retreat space in Costa Rica. This in-person gathering gives us a chance to connect with each other, land in our bodies, and open the space to begin shifting our dynamics towards spirit-led leadership.

Enter the sanctuary of Brave Earth

This powerful retreat is located in the heart of Costa Rica, just outside of San Ramón. You’ll be immersed inside a lush jungle nestled between the Children’s Eternal Rainforest (one of largest virgin rainforests in the world), and the breathtaking Arenal Volcano. The sacred and activating energy of this land is unmatched. The heart and ethos of Brave Earth is to be a portal where old, destructive, and harmful ways of living are shed, and diverse, regenerative, and innovative cultures are embraced—the perfect space to catalyze our Spirited Leadership work.

Get ready to experience…

A gathering with your fellow leaders and visionaries in a beautiful and inspiring land. With our daily group sessions as the anchor for this experience, we’ll begin exploring and embodying the Spirited Leadership framework. Between our group sessions, you’ll enjoy the transformative heat of the sacred temazcal ceremony, the cooling waters of the jungle pool, and delicious plant-based meals in an open air dining space. Our time will also include an incredible excursion to explore the rainforest, lava fields and hot springs river. This retreat is not just a leadership development program—it’s a deeply nourishing and soul-reviving experience.

What’s included: 

  • 6 Days and 5 Nights shared* accommodations at Brave Earth —Visit Brave Earth to see the beautiful jungle accomodations.
    *or reach out to upgrade to a single occupancy room (limited availability)
  • Private Group Airport Shuttle (from the Juan Santamaria International Airport)
  • Gourmet Primarily Plant-Based Meals 
  • Group Preparation Call (before the retreat) 
  • Daily Deep Dive Group Sessions 
  • Sacred Temazcal Ceremony 
  • Group Excursion (rainforest hike, lava fields, and hot springs river)
  • PLUS 1 Private 90 min. “Geometry of Grace” Reading with Kris 

Dates: September 14th - 19th, 2024.
Travel: To use the airport shuttle provided, fly in Saturday, September 14th arriving at the SJO airport by 1:30pm (or choose to arrive on the 13th.)  For returning home on Thursday, September 19th, book departure flights after 2:00pm.
Location: Brave Earth (Tierra Valiente) retreat space in San Ramón, Costa Rica. 

PART 2: The Online Immersion

An 8-Week Spirited Leadership Online Immersion.

Starts October 3rd, 2024.

We deepen the Spirited Leadership work inside our 8-week online immersion—a potent online meeting space where we will gather to learn, connect, and integrate the Spirited Leadership framework.

This is where you’ll learn the full practices, systems, and structure to transition from hustling and grinding into spirit-led leadership.

We’ll meet live every Thursday for a 90-minute discovery session and connect inside our private WhatsApp group to share discoveries, questions and receive as needed guidance.

This work takes time to apply and integrate into your life. That’s why this program isn’t just a weekend long. It’s 8 weeks to give you the support, empowerment, and tools you need to make a real, sustainable shift in your workplace culture.

What’s included:

  • 8 x 90 min. Weekly Discovery Sessions — to learn, explore and integrate the practices of Surrender, Savor & Serve. (Thursdays at 2:00pm ET)
  • 1 x Private 90 min. “Geometry of Grace” Reading with Kris Boesch — a private spiritual reading rooted in the intersection of three powerful disciplines (Western Astrology, Human Design, and Jyotish) to support you in remembering your essential nature and soul’s path.
  • Full Access to the Digital Platform — with videos and handouts featuring the six core Spirited Leadership practices.
  • Nurture Your Nature: 5 Daily Rituals — a collection of rituals and practices to support communing with your essential nature.
  • Private Access to the Spirited Leadership WhatsApp Group  — share your experiences and questions inside our private WhatsApp group.  Here you'll also receive timely guidance and suggestions.  
  • Behind the Scenes Insights — you’ll get exclusive behind-the-scenes insights to Kris’ own practices, journey, and breakthroughs in real time.
  • Optional Weekly Peer Partner — every week you’ll have the opportunity to intentionally deep dive with a fellow visionary inside the group.
  • …and more.

  • For those who cannot make it to the retreat, Two 2-Hour Immersion Preparation Sessions - experience the core foundational Spirited Leadership principles that were shared in the retreat (on September 26th & 27th 1:00-3:00pm ET)

Begins October 3rd, 2024.

Transform Your Leadership, Transform Your Culture.

Choose Your Path

Choose between 3 paths: Visionary, Expansive or Complete

Your Investment:

$2888 USD
limited spots available


Your Investment:

$2222 USD
limited spots available


Your Investment:

$888 USD


Your Investment:

$2888 USD
limited spots available


Your Investment:

$2222 USD
limited spots available


Your Investment:

$888 USD


Lead a New Era of Spirit-Led Success

You know you can’t continue participating in a soulless, draining, anxious, stressed-out, productivity-over-everything, workplace culture. It’s done. It’s over. You know there’s another way, you can feel that there’s a deeper path for yourself and your team. 

You’re not here to carry out the status quo, you’re here to disrupt. But still, how do you disrupt and change that flow when you still have major responsibilities to fulfill?

Spirited Leadership isn’t about abandoning your life to live out some fairytale dream.
It’s the answer to an important question, “Is there another way to do this?”

Is there another way to create success without non-stop hustling, grinding, and burning out?

Is there another way to achieve your goals that also supports the heart, the soul, and the human in you?

Is there another way to design a fulfilling workplace culture that supports both you and your team to thrive?

People everywhere are waking up to the failures of hustle and grind culture.

They’re dissatisfied,

They're burnt out,

They’re looking for another way.

It’s time to be the leader they need.

Become the Embodied Leader You Were Always Meant to Be

Choose One of These 3 Paths Today:
